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Hospitality iNELS (GRMS)
Glass touch controllers
Glass touch controllers
Glass room thermo-regulator GRT3-100
Glass room thermo-regulator GRT3-100 is part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units for apartments, guest room management system (GRMS) and serves to regulate the temperature in the room.
Product detail
Glass card reader, round - GCR3-230
Glass card reader GCR3-230 is part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units and can be advantageously used in all projects, e.g. guest room management system (GRMS).
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Glass card reader, sharp - GCR3-30
Glass card reader GCR3-30 is part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units and can be advantageously used in all projects, e.g. guest room management system (GRMS).
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Glass room thermo-regulator GRT3-270
Glass room thermo-regulator GRT3 is part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
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Glass room thermo-regulator GRT3-70
Glass room thermo-regulator GRT3 is part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
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Glass switch button with symbols GSB3-290/S
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3 are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
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Glass switch button GSB3-290
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3 are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
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Glass switch button with symbols GSB3-260/S
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3 are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
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Glass switch button GSB3-260
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3 are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
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Glass switch button with symbols GSB3-240/S
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3 are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
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Glass switch button GSB3-240
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3 are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
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Glass switch button with symbols - GSB3-90/S
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3 are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color
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Glass switch button - GSB3-90
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3 are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units. Black and white color.
Product detail
Glass room thermo-regulator GRT3-50/W
Glass room thermo-regulator GRT3-50 is part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units for guest room management system (GRMS) and serves to regulate the temperature in the room.
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Glass wall card reader
Wall RFID card reader GMR3-61 is designed for reading of contactless media
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Glass door bell GDB3-10/W
Glass info panel GDB3-10 is part of a comprehensive series of glass iNELS control units for guest room management system
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Glass switch button with symbols GSB3-60/SW
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3-20/S, GSB3-40/S and GSB3- 60/S are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units and can be advantageously used in all projects for example as a part of guest room management system (GRMS).
Product detail
Glass switch button with symbols GSB3-40/SW
Glass touch controllers with symbols GSB3-20/S, GSB3-40/S and GSB3- 60/S are part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units and can be advantageously used in all projects for example as a part of guest room management system (GRMS).
Product detail
Glass card reader GCR3-11/W
Glass RFID card reader GCR3-11 is part of a comprehensive range of glass iNELS control units.
Product detail
Glass switch button GSB3-60/W
The wall controller with touch control series GSB3 is a design element (controller) in the system iNELS3 with elegant design and comfortable controlling. Controllers are available in black (e.g. GSB3-40/B) and white (e.g. GSB3-40/W) variants.
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Content section
Glass touch controllers
Standard (plastic)
Access control
System units
HVAC Control
Shutter Actuators
Switching actuators
Dimming actuators
Wireless detectors
Input units
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+44 01626 912 407
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+44 01626 886 342
+44 07719 321 186
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