The ELKO EP ride continues. Newly opened branch in Britain.

The ELKO EP ride continues. Newly opened branch in Britain. photo

ELKO EP will open its fourteenth worldwide branch at the beginning of next year. This time in the United Kingdom - in a country where ELKO EP products are commonly sold, but mainly as relays under OEM licenses (ELKO EP is a European leader in the field of multifunction relays, which it supplies to brands such as Schneider Electric, Eaton, Tyco or Iskra). This time ELKO EP will try to succeed under their own banner. The new branch will be based in Benfleet, near London, and will be run by Graham Lockhart, who has worked with the company in the past.

"I discovered ELKO EP products thirteen years ago. At that time, I also made contact with Jiří Konečný and helped him with the first distribution. Then our paths parted, my career turned in a different direction. But I continued to monitor the company's development, and I must say that I've been really pleasantly surprised lately by how the company is changing and how its portfolio is growing, "says Graham Lockhart, who wants to focus on timersprotection relays and power supplies.

"Our goal will be to educate the British market and introduce them to the competitive advantages of ELKO EP over other manufacturers. In particular, the innovation and reliability that go hand in hand in this case, “adds Graham Lockhart.
From the relay, the British branch would like to gradually move to other segments within the portfolio of the ELKO EP and iNELS brands. "We want to establish ourselves first, to convince individual customers and companies that Czech products can really withstand the strictest standards and are among the best that are available in Europe. Then we would like to move on to custom installations, which will be to the British liking, “adds Graham Lockhart.
Britain? A few years ahead
„This is, of course, an extraordinary challenge for the Czech brand - because the United Kingdom is always a few years ahead of the Czech Republic in terms of deploying technology in everyday life. "Everyone knows that the United States and the United Kingdom are the countries where innovation and new technologies are emerging first. Only from there does it usually spread towards Western and Central Europe. This is typically the case, for example, with the Internet of Things, which is a relatively common part of everyday life in homes and offices in Britain, and is just getting more attention in our country. On the other hand, we have already proven many times that our products can succeed even in the tough competition of the most developed countries in the world, "says Jiří Konečný, owner and founder of ELKO EP, which is one of the major Czech exporters.
"This is chance to succeed in the UK as well as taking up the gauntlet for our development. We must not stop innovating, because otherwise we will not have a chance in similar markets, "concludes Jiří Konečný.



Date of publication: 05. 01. 2021

Information about the company

ELKO EP is one of the world's leading manufacturers of electronic equipment for residential, office and industrial automation. We have been supplying the world over for the past 27 years; our main domain is primarily relays, but we also supply wireless products and IoT products. But we're not just focused on products; we also propose comprehensive and highly effective solutions.

Our branches are located in 13 countries around the world, but all developments and production takes place in our own premises in Holešov. Thanks to this background, we have received several important awards, such as the Visionary of the Year 2015 or the Global Exporter in 2016.




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